. Online Market & Subscription Programs .
Want the freedom to choose your own?
Subscribe to our Online Market while enjoying the benefits of Home Delivery PLUS and our "Fresh Is The Best" Loyalty Rewards Program!
Our regular season runs through most of December this year, growing conditions permitted.
Sign up for our email list to stay in the know regarding any Holiday or Pre- and Post-Season dates.
How Loyalty Rewards works:
No special registration needed.
You are automatically enrolled when you become a Market Subscriber.
After every three box fulfillments, earn a new Market Credit reward.
Rewards will be added to your Market Credit Balance a day or two after fulfillment. Use the credit on anything in The Market besides home delivery fees.
The more boxes you buy, the larger your Market Coupons get.
Market Rewards start at $3 and increase by $1 with each reward. Earn up to $52!
View Your Market Coupon Code and Balance on our site.
No need to remember your Market Coupon Code. It'll pop up on your cart page!
Enjoy your fresh, local produce...
...and our thanks!​
How Home Delivery PLUS works:
Purchase an optional Home Delivery PLUS membership.
$120 for the entire season. Our regular weekly delivery fee is $10 this year.
Get unlimited free Home Delivery on all scheduled boxes or orders over $30.
This includes all 24 weeks of our regular season, PLUS any pre or post season dates!​
Available to both our Market Subscribers and Online Market Customers.
No pre-scheduling required for either. However, a Market Subscription gives you the freedom to choose what goes in your box. This season, a Home Delivery Plus membership without a Market Subscription does not give you access to our choose-your-own box.
Multiple payment options.
Pay the $120 annual membership fee upfront in The Market or roll it into your Market Subscription to include it in your monthly payments.​
"No-Fuss." No more worries about coordinating pickup.
We'll text upon delivery. Feel free to call or text us after 5pm for estimated arrival time. Just leave out a large cooler or the empty box from a previous delivery.​
Enjoy the flexibility of your Market Subscription, the simplicity of Home Delivery and the Savings.
Save more than $120 on home delivery fees alone!​
How our Market Subscriptions work:
Select a Market Subscription plan.
Our subscription plans start at $342. Your Market Subscriber privileges last for the entire season, even after your initial plan runs out. However, the larger the plan you buy initially, the more you save.
Add-On a Home Delivery Plus Membership
We have plenty of Free Pickup Locations, however, home delivery is very convenient and kinder on your veggies (especially if you leave out a large cooler!) If you expect to need at least 12 home deliveries this season, get a Home Delivery Plus Membership. It's $120 this year, due to gas prices, but it covers all of your delivery fees for the season. Otherwise, the weekly home delivery fee is $10. ($5 for the Mayville area.)
Decide how you want to pay.
You can split up your initial plan costs into four monthly payments or save a bit by paying upfront. Save even more if you pay by check. If you'd like to pay by check, please give us a call, and we'll set your plan up over the phone.
Complete Registration.
Registration is super fast and straight-forward; but, if you need assistance (or you've just had enough screen-time for the week), feel free to call and register over the phone.
Pre-Schedule all or some of your boxes at registration or just swap for Market Credit.
You are not required to schedule all of your boxes. For example, you may buy in at the lowest "12-week" level, schedule only six weeks, and use the remaining value to add on to your boxes. Or, you may skip scheduling all together and use the value of your subscription to shop The Market. At registration, the value of any unscheduled boxes will be automatically added to your Market Credit Balance. However, if you pre-schedule all of your boxes at registration, we'll send you a small gift of Market Credit right away.
Leave the rest up to us...if you want.
We'll automatically send you our farmers'-choice "Farmer Knows Best" box whenever you're scheduled for a box. This way, you can get a box of farm fresh veggies & fruit without the hassle of online shopping.
Watch for our weekly newsletter, check out our blog, or sign up for instant notifications.
We post all box contents in our "What's In Season?" blog, on your Subscriber's Market Page, and in our weekly newsletter. Download our smartphone app to get instant notifications and be among the first to know when The Market's restocked & contents are posted!
Shop the market to add on to your box when you want.
Add on to your "Farmer Knows Best" box easily using your Market Credit, any major credit card, or PayPal. Enter your unique Market Coupon Code at checkout to use your Market Credit. Weekly order cutoff time is usually noon on Mondays.
Or, switch to one of our choose-your-own options whenever you want.
On your scheduled weeks, you can switch to a choose-your-own box with just two button clicks. Opt not to switch, and you'll get your auto-enrolled farmers' choice box. The choose-your-own "I Got It" Box has a $3 packing charge. The Market has a minimum purchase amount of $30. The minimum does not apply to add-ons. ​
Schedule and reschedule boxes throughout the season.
Scheduling boxes is super user-friendly now. Just visit your Subscriber's Market Page! We just ask that all schedule changes happen by weekly cutoff time (usually Mondays at noon.) If you need to skip a box last minute, please call or text it in.
Skipped scheduling and swapped for credit? Simply shop when you want.
Log into The Market and shop whenever you want a box. You can use your Market Credit on anything in the market besides home delivery fees, just enter your unique Market Coupon Code at every checkout. As long as you have enough Market Credit available, you also have the option to join box-scheduling.
Purchase Add-On Market Credit, if needed.
If you run out of Market Credit, you may purchase more or simply check out normally, order by order. Market Credit is only necessary for scheduling boxes and is not required. However, we do award extra credit with every credit refill, so it is a better deal.
Forgot to add something to your box? No Problem!
Add on to your order throughout the weekend. As long as it's still before our weekly cutoff time, just select "Order Add-On" at checkout.
Switch between Home Delivery and Free Pickup as needed.
If you are a Home Delivery Plus member, you're of course welcome to pickup if you'd like. Just select "Free Pickup Location" at checkout or call/text it in. If you're on a Free Pickup Location plan, you may switch to Home Delivery as long as your address is within our Current Delivery Area. Either give us a call, buy a Home Delivery Plus membership, or select "Home Delivery" at checkout whenever you add on to or switch your box.
Enjoy your fresh veggies & fruit!
We grow nearly everything that we sell in our market, and we pick it for you the morning of or the day before delivery! Only mushrooms, MI fruit, honey and strawberries are sourced from other local farmers.